Present : Sri K.D.V.M. Prasad Babu, M.A.

Rc.No.    /A3/SSA/2017                                                Dt.23.10.2017

Sub:-  SSA, Krishna – Biometric attendance by all the contract employees
          Working at Division and Mandal Level – Instructions – Issued – Reg.

Ref:-  Instructions of the District Collector & Chairman, SSA, Krishna,
* * *

        All the MEOs/Deputy Inspector of Schools are informed that Biometric Attendance System is introduced in all the Divisional Level, Mandal Level Offices and also High Schools in the district.

        As per the instructions issued in the reference cited, every employee working under the control of the project shall record attendance through Biometric System. They are instructed to register the particulars with Aadhar Number and photo through . If the Biometric Attendance System is not available in the office in which working, the employee should record their attendance in the nearby office where Biometric System is available. Biometric Attendance System is essential to each employee and record at the beginning of the office hours and also after closing hours.

        They should visit the above web and get employee registration and also fillup the information in the above website for registration. They shall see that all the employees working on contract basis at Divisional Level, Mandal Level & School Level should record their attendance through above website. Their attendance will be taken into consideration for release of the honorarium every month. The employee should be present in the office during office hours and he should respond to the phone calls from the DPO.

        The Biometric Attendance System should come into force from 01.11.2017 onwards without fail. In case of failure to record attendance every day their honorarium will be with held for their neglect of duty.

        This should be treated as most urgent.

                                                                   Project Officer,
                                                                SSA, Krishna, MTM.
All the Employees working on Contract Basis through Mandal Educational
Officers / Deputy Inspector of Schools.
Copy to the Headmasters / Complex School Headmasters through the MEO/Dy.I.S.
Copy to all the MEOs/Dy.I.S. in the district.

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