Present : Sri B. Lingeswara Reddy, M.A., M.Ed.

Rc.No.23/B/APSSA/VSP/2018                                             Dated: 23-05-2018

Sub:-    APSSA, Visakhapatnam – Re-engaging the services of ‘366’ Part Time Instructors for the Year 2018-19 in Visakhapatnam District – Orders – Issued.

Ref:-    1. Proc. Rc. No. 1707/APSSA/Ai/2017-1, &2, Dt: 24.04.2018 of the State  
                Project Director, APSSA, Amaravathi
            2. Proc. Rc.No. 1707/APSSA/Ai/2017-3, Dt: 01.05.2018 of the State Project  
                Director, APSSA, Amaravathi.
            3. Proc. Rc. No. SSA – ESTT0RECR/23/2018-SA (A) – APSSAVSP, Dt:
    28.04.2018 of the Project Officer, APSSA, Visakhapatnam.
            4. Note orders of the District Collector & Chairman, APSSA, Visakhapatnam    

* * *
            In view of the reference above cited, all the Headmasters of the Schools concerned as per the Annexure-I are requested to re-engage (who were terminated as per the reference 3rd cited) the services of the Part Time Instructors concerned for the year 2018-19 where more than 100 strength of Class VI, VII & VIII as per U-DISE 2017-18, and the Headmasters of the Schools concerned are now requested to enter MOU with the Part Time Instructors concerned for the period 2018-19 immediately as per the Model Copy of MOU & Proceedings (Letter of Contractual Offer) enclosed. The MOU shall be entered on 100/- bond paper only. The original MOU shall be kept with the schools concerned. The Photostat copy of the MOU (attested by Gazetted Officer) shall be furnished to this office without fail. The Gross pay of remuneration for the post of Part Time Instructors is Rs.14,203/- per month. Further, the Headmasters of the School concerned are requested to re-engage the services of the Part Time Instructors concerned on contract basis for the year 2018-19 i.e, w.e.f. 01.05.2018 F.N to further orders issued from the State Project Director, APSSA, Amaravathi only.

            Further it is also informed that the list of candidates who are not Re-engaged due to less than or equal to 100 strength in VI, VII & VIII classes as per U-DISE 2017-18 as shown in Annexure-II.

            The receipt of the proceedings should be acknowledged.

                                                                                    PROJECT OFFICER

  1. DOWNLOAD the Proceedings and List of the Candidates Re-engaged or No Re-engaged